Framework 2021.
- Teacher: KASOZI Brian
- Teacher: Eleanor Ithungu
- Teacher: Rev. Dr. Jessica Hughes
- Teacher: J Kitayimbwa
- Teacher: Christa kyomya
- Teacher: Joel MASAGAZI
- Teacher: Dr. Olivia Nassaka Banja(Mrs)
Framework 2021.
This is for UIS interns from FoST for the year 2021
Rev. Ruhama Dennis Onzima
Greeting I would like to get in touch with All participant of Understanding the New testament. Please Get in touch as soon as possible.
WhatsApp number is 0779324405
Cities in Developing countries face the challenge of rapid urbanization without growth, which results in stuntedness & inequality. Urban Development course enables students to actively analyze the urban development context & issues to identify needs, potential & opportunities for balanced urban growth. The course intends to equip students with knowledge, skills, and attitudes for promoting sustainable urbanization. Refer to the SDG 11 on sustainable cities. The picture below is taken from informal Kampala with the formal city on the skyline.
Mrs. Ojobiru Alice
This course unit will provide you with theoretical and practical knowledge about water quality, water vulnerability, water pollution control, and water treatment
The course will enable you to make informed decisions about the treatment and disposal of effluents, and the protection of water sources, and you will be able to evaluate the operation and control of water treatment plants.
To ensure that students are able:
Ajidiru Hope Sally